Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm here

My first ever official blog. Wow, I feel like I've crossed some major threshold. Actually I tried starting this page yesterday but the universe killed my internet in an effort to keep me from blogging. After two hours on the phone with Verizon they said it was probably due to nearby fires but what are the chances that exactly as I push the "create new account" button, I lose all connection for the entire day? Maybe it was a sign (I pretend that I don't believe in signs, but really I do). I upset some primeval balance with my blogging ambitions!

When I woke up this morning I checked my internet and, yay, all better! But I had no idea there were so many Dianas out there. And even another Diana Paz blogging her heart out! So there went my plan of naming the blog after myself. I ended up spending all morning discovering all the creative ways "Diana" was already incorporated into blogspot addresses. And then I learned that all the cute, clever, writing blog addresses in general were taken, too. My blog couldn't go nameless. And I didn't want to spend all day creating the blog, I wanted to blog! What a bust!

But then, somewhere between karate class and nachos from Pepe's, between revising my last project and plotting the next one, between reading through a scene I LOVED last week and seeing it for the crap it really was and being completely and unequivocally positive that I should never, ever query out this terrible book, I finally came up with the my bloggity blog's big fat name. Not that I'm the first to make the comparison, but each book is like a roller coaster with all it's exhilarating ups and terrifying downs. I've second-guessed myself more than once, and there's no lap-restraint holding me securely in place, but above all else, riding these writing coasters is an amazing rush. 

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